2025 Spring > UGRD > WGS
Women's, Gender & Sexuality Studies 2025 Spring Courses
WGS 100 Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexualities in the United States
WGS 110 Gender in Global Context
WGS 120G Women and Men in Families
WGS 150 Women, Culture and Identity
WGS 201 Introduction to Sexuality Studies
WGS 210G Gendered Bodies
WGS 215L Gender & Communication
WGS 220 Women and the Media
WGS 227GL Gender & Sexuality in South Asia
WGS 240 Educating Women
WGS 243L Rethinking the Family: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
WGS 268 Global Bodies: Sex, Families, and Reproductive Rights in Transnational Perspective
WGS 270 Native American Women in North America
WGS 293L Literature and Human Rights
WGS 295L Introduction to Human Rights
WGS 300L Women in African Cultures
WGS 310L Love, Sex, and Media Effects
WGS 341L Gender and Film: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
WGS 345L Gender, Religion and Politics in South Asia
WGS 355L Gender, Development, &Globalization
WGS 360 Gender, Culture, and Power
WGS 376L Women of Color
WGS 394L Radical Voices of Resistance: Gender, Race and US Social Movements
WGS 401 Advanced Topics in Human Rights
WGS 420 Queer of Color Critique
WGS 479 Independent Study
WGS 490 Internship in Women's Studies
WGS 491 Internship Placement
WGS 499 Honors Paper Tutorial